Sustainable Ethical Solutions LLC

Nicolas Egger

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Entrepreneur & Investor, Fundraiser, Placement agent of innovative asset-backed bonds and investment funds.

Nicolas has a strong background in Asset Management. He acquired his skills as Securities Trader at Citicorp International in Zurich, worked as a team member with McKinsey at Bankverein (UBS). Later, Nicolas held various senior management functions at Credit Suisse Private Banking, UBS, Merrill Lynch. In 2001 he established & chaired NEAM AG. In the USA, he was a Registered Investment Advisor with full fiduciary responsibility and insurance agent (2009/2010). Nicolas is registered/regulated by FCA (UK, 2015) & FINMA (CH, 2015-2019). Nicolas is a Swiss national, graduated BA Economics at the San Francisco State University in 1987. Nicolas speaks five languages, English & German are his mother tongues.